Well another year has come and gone.
I would like to say this is my OOTN for some spectacular New Years Eve party that I’m attending with 200 of my closest friends. Unfortunately, I must admit that this is just little ole me twirling around outside in a dress that will end up right back on its hanger in twenty minutes. In truth, I’ll be spending my NYE in sweats and a messy bun.
Like many naive hopefuls, I failed to fulfill most of my New Year resolutions. . .
I’m still a stress-ball that worries and over-analyzes everything. While I was in NYC, my mom and I found a cute little vender selling pouches- one of which read,
There is nothing that has ever described me more accurately, and as I have thought about it, I’ve discovered that maybe this isn’t such a bad thing after all.
Yes, I constantly tear myself to pieces.
Yes, I can make myself sick to the stomach over little details.
But you know what?
We can’t all be laid-back, loosey-goosey, go-with-the-flow people, and I’ve come to realize that’s okay.
So this year, rather than setting up a list of things I want to change about myself, I hope to find ways to channel my stress. In other words, I want to get sh*t done (sorry Mom). (;
Here’s to the new year.
XoXo, Zo